Day 6 of LL- Faces important enough to be on a mountain

In the United States of America, there is about 323.1 people as of 2016. There’s so many various faces, but there’s four specific faces that not only the citizens of the America, but also tourists from all around the world go to South Dakota go to see. These four faces belonged to the important people who were once a leader of the US. These large faces look over the country with their glowing, sculptured eyes. The carvers who have created this astonishing piece of monument was so skilled that the four presidents seemed as if they were alive. This sculptured hill is Mount Rushmore or more commonly known the President’s Mountain.

You may think that the “Rushmore” in the name Mount Rushmore sounds a lot like a last name a person would have, but in fact, it actually was a person’s surname! The mountain was named after a New York lawyer, Charles E. Rushmore when he went on a trip to Black Hills in 1884 to inspect the mines in that area. He was curious of what the nearby mountain’s name was, so therefore he decided to ask a local guide. Surprisingly, the local guide replied that it never had a name, and it was soon given the name Mount Rushmore.

During the 1920s, Daone Robertson, South Dakota’s state historian came up with the idea to  the faces of the four people in the America who created significant impacts on their course of history. He also hired Gutzon Borglum, a sculptor, to do the work in 1924. At last,George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt were chosen since they shaped United States democracy today.

I am sure that carving rocks are not easy at all. That's
Oh my gosh... So dangerous 😦
why Borglum used new methods like dynamic and pneumatic hammers to get pieces of rock quickly.

This must have been a very dangerous job and would need many workers in order to complete it. So, now, the question is did anyone die on the job? I found that about 400 workers were used to remove the rocks, but surprisingly, no one got killed in the process! I thought at least half of the workers used lost their lives just to get this mountain completed.

There had always been many people visit them every year. They attract more than two million visitors every year and is the most famous site in the US. Would you want to visit there one day?

And this is it for today! See you guys later!


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