Two Out of Three Terms Completed: What have I done so far?


It is now March, which means there is only about
3 to 4 months left before this school year ends. I will become a grade 10 in September, but I honestly still feel like a grade 7. Time flew by so fast that it was almost like I didn’t get anything done during the first and second term.

All I can think of is the countless mistakes I made this year including the times where I forgot a homework was due or a french skit has to be performed that day. Although I feel like I didn’t achieve anything, but if I truly think about, I might actually did get something done.
Maybe I diddd accomplish something       Some of my accomplishments are academic, but the ones that I am truly proud of are achievements in extracurricular activities. The one that I am the most proud of was my medal testing in January for the bronze level of ballroom dancing. It was originally planned to be held in December, but it ended up being postponed to January because of a sudden, huge snowfall on the test day. I was so jubilant since I thought I wasn't ready at that moment and I would have more time to prepare.

However, the test eventually came after one whole month, yet I still feel unprepared. Nervousness took over me and although I didn't let it show on my face, I'm sure the judge noticed it from my stiff movements and the mistakes made. I literally went home thinking, Je ne vais pas rΓ©ussir Γ  la examen.

About another month passed when our reports finally came in and I saw that I PASSED. Three of the dances actually got decent marks despite the numerous mistakes I made. I was so happy that day and I think it's a big achievement for me. I used to be more timid compared to now and being out there was a huge challenge for me. Therefore, being able to pass a test where a judge stared at me the entire time is especially amazing to me.😁

Like I mentioned before, the mistakes I made in the past two terms were pretty ridiculous. I'm not a person who loves agendas, so if you were to glance at mine, you will see many blank pages.

Because of my horrible habit, I tend to forget about homework and not realize until the morning of the due day. There were so many times when I forgot to print out my blog and my personal narrative or didn't do an assignment. I later realized how it affects me and the importance of organization.

These failures weren't great experiences for me, but at least I can learn from them. I also recognized my accomplishments as I enter term 3. I hope I don't make these blunders again though πŸ˜‚. Well, and that's for today see you!


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